excuse our dust

We are currently making some changes to this site, including updating our team name, homepage, and graphics. Our shops are open and all the links to them are working, so please forgive our dust here, and go browse through our shops instead!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I ♥ Etsy

One of my other teams (the cloth diaper team) started doing a "theme of the month" series to inspire our designs, and I've taken that and carried it into all my products. This week is the beginning of the valentine's oriented "I ♥ Etsy" theme which includes a variety of hearts, flowers, reds, whites, pinks, and purples.
Here are a few of my theme of the month items (and I add more every few days!):
I'm putting all my themed-stock into one section, and best of all, when you purchase any item from this section, then you can get any other item in the store (equal/lesser value) for 25% off!

I also have a new sales & clearance section, with items up to 30% off--come check it out!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
By the way, I am one of those shops which is affected by the pending CPSIA legislation. Cloth diapers are about half of my income, so I will try to stay open with my other items, but many other members of this team are being forced to close their shops entirely. Please, contact your legislators about this bill! Some of them have begun working to make changes, but no improvements are official yet, and it's not over till it's over, so we need to keep working! If you've already contacted them, THANK YOU! Please help spread the word!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


We finally have a central team profile, which connects us all on etsy (by marking all team members as favorites, as well as featuring items from team members). MDCMomsOnEtsy currently features items from all team members who have used the tag "mdc team" in any of their listings. We'll work on getting other members added soon. ☺
A small version of this etsy-mini now appears on our sidebar (and should be updated regularly), but here is the full-size version (which will also be posted periodically).

Buy Handmade

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

She's Back!!

Who missed Georganne? She's one of the original members of this team, and a senior member over at MDC...well, she's back! ☺
She recently re-opened her shop The Yellow Ducky, and it's full of cloth diapering goodies, children's clothing, slings, and her yummy homemade laundry soap! So run on over and check it out!

Buy Handmade