excuse our dust

We are currently making some changes to this site, including updating our team name, homepage, and graphics. Our shops are open and all the links to them are working, so please forgive our dust here, and go browse through our shops instead!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Some Changes

The members of our team originally met (and decided to form a team) while we were members of a particular parenting forum, and we had used the name of that forum in the name of our team. However, that forum is the subsidiary of a business, and that business was concerned about use of their name for our team, so we have changed our name. (We are working on changing our Etsy link and graphics to reflect this, but it will take us a few days to get it all done.)
Just to be clear, the members of this street team were and are in no way affiliated with or endorsed by any parenting forum, business or organization. Product postings on this blog are in no way endorsed, tested or vetted by any other member or members of the blog or by any outside organization.

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