excuse our dust

We are currently making some changes to this site, including updating our team name, homepage, and graphics. Our shops are open and all the links to them are working, so please forgive our dust here, and go browse through our shops instead!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Intro- Cara/Green Bean Boutique

Hi, I'm Cara. My hubby, 15 month old daughter, and I live in Montana kind of out in the sticks. We like 'natural family living' and are a breastfeeding, home birthing, babywearing, child loving family.

Green Bean Boutique was started after my daughter had all too many dolls and quilts, but I wanted to keep sewing so I decided to share. We also sell all-in-one cloth diapers that are subtle and plain, because we tend to not like 'flashy' and just wanted a basic cotton diaper that is easy to get on and off. We sell Waldorf Dolls for Infants, and hope to start selling dolls for toddlers here soon as well.

I also have another store, Mama Cloth, that I started after I had decided to design a cloth pad that didn't leak or wick and was trim so it didn't influence the kind of pants I wore during my cycle ;)

I have a poor neglected blog that I used to post at frequently, but haven't had time for that lately.

I'm a dreamer, always have more ideas than actually get accomplished. But I'm excited to share what I do, and I hope you enjoy it too!