Hi, I'm Cara. My hubby, 15 month old daughter, and I live in Montana kind of out in the sticks. We like 'natural family living' and are a breastfeeding, home birthing, babywearing, child loving family.
Green Bean Boutique was started after my daughter had all too many dolls and quilts, but I wanted to keep sewing so I decided to share. We also sell all-in-one cloth diapers that are subtle and plain, because we tend to not like 'flashy' and just wanted a basic cotton diaper that is easy to get on and off. We sell Waldorf Dolls for Infants, and hope to start selling dolls for toddlers here soon as well.
I also have another store, Mama Cloth, that I started after I had decided to design a cloth pad that didn't leak or wick and was trim so it didn't influence the kind of pants I wore during my cycle ;)
I have a poor neglected blog that I used to post at frequently, but haven't had time for that lately.
I'm a dreamer, always have more ideas than actually get accomplished. But I'm excited to share what I do, and I hope you enjoy it too!