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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wrought Iron Tendrils

I fired up my Whisper Daddy forge and did some hot work today.  I've got a lot of branch, flower, and leaf elements in progress for various projects.
It's hot in there  flowers in progress

I sold several of my Wrought Iron Tendril coat hooks from my online shop.  The buyer needed one more.  I made up four more, photographed them all together and let her choose the hooks she liked the best.  It's so nice to have a little variety to choose from, even within similar items.  You can see how each one is quite individual, even within a series.  Look for the remaining three to be listed in the home decor section of my shop over the next few days.
Wrought Iron Coat Hooks
These look great all in a row on the wall, ready to hold your garden tools, bags, scarves, hats,... whatever you need to hang up.

While I was working on the hook tendrils, I found an 1/8 inch thick length of steel and one thing led to another.  I couldn't resist making some wrought iron tendril jewelry!
Wrought Iron Tendril Pendant  Wrought Iron Tendril Pendant
They are each about 3 inches long.  I plan on making 2 more of these tomorrow while I'm forging cattails, maybe 3 if I have enough of that 1/8 inch stock left.


Tori said...

I am blown away by your talent. The craft you've chosen (or has it chosen you?) is so unusual. You do a really wonderful job with it!

Annie said...

I love the tendril jewelry. Your work is beautiful!

Georganne said...

Kirsten, fabulous, as always! :)